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作者:    来源:研究生院  发布日期:2018-03-23  访问量:










1. 2022.7-2024.7  江苏省镇江“金山英才”产业强市领军人才创业类人才项目 主持 基于神经可塑性的人工智能下肢康复机器人开发 (100万直接支持,提供场地等其他配套支持)

2. 2022.11-2023.11江苏省无锡市惠山区“先锋英才计划”创业先锋领军人才

主持 下肢康复机器人研发与产业化 (50万直接支持,提供场地等其他配套支持)

3. 2022.5-2024.5  江苏省科技副总项目 主持(12万直接支持及其他)

4. 高速公路新型智慧服务区设计关键技术与标准研究 主研究 雄安交投重点项目(58万)

5. 入口称重与货车ETC模式下高速公路收费站合理设置研究 主研 雄安交投重点项目(60万)



1. Zengxin Kang, Lei Zhang, and Kun Li*. An improved social force model for pedestrian dynamics in shipwrecks Applied Mathematics and Computation 348,(2019),355-362 ESI高被引,中科院一区top期刊

2. Kun Li, Yizhou Mao, Zhenlin Wei, Rui Cong*. Pool-rewarding in N-person snowdrift game Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 143 (2021) 110591 (中科院一区top期刊)

3. Kun Li, Haocheng Xu, and Xiao Liu*. Analysis and visualization of accidents severity based on LightGBM-TPE Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 157 (2022) 111987(中科院一区top期刊

4. Huan Li, Kun Li*, Nicholas Zafetti, and Jianfeng Gu. Improvement of energy supply configuration for telecommunication system in remote areas based on improved chaotic world cup optimization algorithm  Energy 192,(2020, 116614(中科院一区top期刊

5. Xiaoyong Tian, Kun Li*, Zengxin Kang, Yun Peng, and Hongjun Cui. Simulating the dynamical features of evacuation governed by periodic vibrations Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 139 (2020110099 中科院一区top期刊

6. Huibin Jin, Zhanyao Hu, Kun Li*, Mingjian Chu, Guoliang Zou, Guihua Yu, and Jianlei Zhang. Study on How Expert and Novice Pilots Can Distribute Their Visual Attention to Improve Flight Performance,IEEE Access92021)44757-44769中科院二区top期刊

7. Qiaoru Li, Ying Liu, Zengxin Kang, Kun Li*, and Liang Chen. Improved social force model considering conflict avoidance Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 302020)13129中科院二区top期刊

8. Qiaoru Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Kun Li*, Liang Chen, and Zhenlin Wei. Evolutionary dynamics of the last mile travel choice Physica A 536 (2019122555  中科院二区

9. Qiaoru Li, Zhe Zhang, Kun Li*, Liang Chen, Zhenlin Wei, and Jingchun Zhang. Evolutionary dynamics of traveling behavior in social networks Physica A 545 (2020123664  中科院二区

10. Liang Chen, Jingjie Sun, Kun Li*, and Qiaoru Li. Research on the effectiveness of monitoring mechanism for “yield to pedestrian” based on system dynamics Physica A 5912022126804 中科院二区

11. Kun Li*, Zengxin Kang, and Lei Zhang. Group structures facilitate emergency evacuation Europhysics Letters 124 2019)68002中科院三区

12. Kun Li, Zhenlin Wei and Rui Cong*. Sentiment contagion dilutes prisoner’s dilemmas on social networks Europhysics Letters 128202038002中科院三区

13. Qiaoru Li, Yaqing Li, Kun Li*, Liang Chen, Qiang Zheng, and Ke Chen. Study on the influence of subjective well-being on travel mode selection.  Physics Letters A  384(2020126867中科院三区

14. Qiaoru Li, Qinze Lin, Mengjie Li, Liang Chen, and Kun Li*. A time-delay propagation model for studying illegal crossing behavior of E-bikes on a regular lattice. Physica Scripta 96(202125215中科院三区

15. Qiaoru Li, Longyin Zhang, Kun Li*, Liang Chen, and Runbin Li. The existence of cautious pedestrians might facilitate evacuation dynamics Europhysics Letters 1342021)18003中科院三区

16. Liang Chen, Qiang Zheng, Kun Li*, Qiaoru Li, and Jianlei Zhang.Emergency evacuation from multi-exits rooms in the presence of obstacles Physica Scripta 962021) 115208中科院三区

17. Kun Li, Shuai Wang, Rui Cong*. Game dynamics of route choice in heterogenous population Physics Letters A 421(2022127775中科院三区

18. Qiao Jiang, Ying Zhou, Lei Zhang, Kun Li*, and Huan Li. Influence of pedestrian psychology on evacuation dynamics with the guide of emergency signage Europhysics Letters 137202241001中科院三区

19. Kun Li, Jiaojiao Li, Rui Cong*, Qin Xu, and Jianlei Zhang. Emergency evacuation dynamics in complex configurations. Physics Letters A 454 (2022) 128505 (中科院三区)

20. Kun Li, Yukai Li, Rui Cong*, Zheng Xu, Lei Zhang, Libing Liu, and Song Zhang. State feedback control promotes transition efficiency of bag filters. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2023) (Accepted  中科院三区)

21. Kun Li, Rui Cong, and Long Wang*. Cooperation induced by random sequential exclusion. Europhysics Letters, 114 (2016) 58001. (中科院三区)

22. Kun Li, Rui Cong, and Long Wang*. Stochastic evolutionary dynamics in minimum-effort coordination games. Physics Letters A, 380 (2016) 2595. (中科院三区)

23. Kun Li, Attila Szolnoki, Rui Cong, and Long Wang*. The coevolution of overconfidence and bluffing in the resource competition game. Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 21104. (中科院三区)

24. Kun Li, Rui Cong, Te Wu, and Long Wang*. Social exclusion in finite populations. Physical Review E, 91 (2015) 042810. (中科院三区)

25. Kun Li, Rui Cong, Te Wu, and Long Wang*. Bluffing promotes overconfidence on social networks. Scientific Reports, 4 (2014) 05491. (中科院三区)

26. Liang Chen, Yun Zhang, Kun Li*, Qiaoru Li, and Qiang Zheng. Car-following model of connected and autonomous vehicles considering both average headway and electronic throttle angle Modern Physics Letters B 35 (2021)2150257中科院四区


1. 一种基于大数据的智能康复锻炼装置;李昆,张海彦; 发明专利 专利号:202111096401.8

2. 基于参数化刚体模型与参数化柔性体传递模型的建模方法;李昆,童忆,陈伟 发明专利 专利号:202210432142.X

3. 基于神经可塑性的人工智能下肢康复机器人;李昆,陈伟,童忆 发明专利 专利号:202210432160.8

4. 数字医疗协同办公系统V1.0;李昆,张海彦;软件著作 2021SR1244927

5. 智能自行车停放管理系统;张诺,李昆 (第一作者为本人指导的本科生);软件著作 2021SR0820844

6. 工业厂房给排水系统管理软件;何平,李昆 (第一作者为本人指导的本科生);软件著作 2020SR0884858

7. 城镇防灾避难所应急给排水系统;何平,李昆 (第一作者为本人指导的本科生);软件著作 2020SR0884879

8. 市政给排水系统管理软件;何平,李昆 (第一作者为本人指导的本科生);软件著作 2020SR1002846

、联系人:李昆,  联系方式:Lk5622355@126.com