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    发布日期:2017-02-28  访问量:





主持项目18项,其中包括国家级项目4项、省部级项目9项,以第一作者及通讯作者在《ACS Photonics》,《Optics Letters》和《Optics Express》等光学期刊发表SCI论文45篇,第一发明人授权发明专利23项,现为河北省“三三三”三层次人才,河北省教育厅优秀青年,受聘河北工业大学元光学者特聘C岗,“京津冀军民融合蓝宝石产业联盟”副秘书长,《人工晶体学报》的青年编委。

























1. “基于铌酸锂表面局域掺杂的聚焦光伏微流体操控研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2022.01-2025.12,60万,主持。

2. “非对称铌酸锂夹层结构中微液滴的光热复合实时操控研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019.01-2022.12,63万,主持。

3. “基于铌酸锂超疏水表面的激光打标扫描式光伏微液滴路由研究”,中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,2022.07-2025.06,20万,主持。

4. “铌酸锂基 PDMS 芯片微通道结构中的两相混合微流体光伏操控研究”,河北省自然科学基金项目,2020.01-2022.12,10万,主持。

5. “铌酸锂光控质子交换研究”,天津市自然科学基金面上项目,2017.04-2020.03,10万,主持。

6. “铌酸锂基微颗粒和微液滴的光电镊操控研究”,河北省自然科学基金面上项目,2017.01-2019.12,6万,主持。

7. “掺铪系列铌酸锂晶体中的缺陷能级研究”,人社部留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目,2014.1-2016.12,3万,主持。

8. “光控质子交换的微观机制研究”,河北省教育厅优秀青年基金项目,2014.1-2016.12,6万,主持。

9. “掺铪系列铌酸锂晶体中的缺陷系统研究”,河北省自然科学基金面上项目,2013.1-2015.12,5万,主持。

10. “铪铁双掺铌酸锂晶体的光散射阈值效应的起源研究”,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2012.1-2014.12,25万,主持。

11. “掺铪系列铌酸锂晶体中的缺陷能级研究”,教育部科学技术研究重点项目,2012.1-2014.12,20万,主持。

12. “掺铪铌酸锂晶体的紫外光折变性能研究”,教育部留学回国人员启动基金项目,2013.1-2014.12,3 万,主持。

13. “掺铪系列铌酸锂晶体的紫外光折变研究”,天津市自然科学基金面上项目,2009.4-2012.3,10万,主持。

14. “铪铁双掺铌酸锂晶体中光散射阈值效应起源的研究”,河北省自然科学基金青年项目,2009.1-2011.12,3万,主持。


[1] B. Gao, X. Cao, Ch. Wang, X. Liu, J. Yan, L. shi, and W. Yan*, “Dielectrophoresis-electrophoresis transition during the photovoltaic manipulation of water microdroplets on LiNbO3:Fe platform,” Opt. Express (2023).

[2] Y. Mi, X. Liu, Z. Gao, M. Wang, L. Shi, X. Zhang, K. Gao, E. R. Mugisha, and W. Yan*, “3D Photovoltaic Router of Water Microdroplets Aiming at Free-Space Microfluidic Transportation”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13 (37), 45018-45032 (2021).

[3] M. Wang, Z. Gao, X. Liu, L. Shi, Y. Mi, K. Gao, X. Zhang, and W. Yan*, “Towards Biochemical Microreactor: Nonlocal Photovoltaic Actuation of Aqueous Microdroplets in Oil-Infused PDMS Channels based on LiNbO3: Fe Crystals”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 349, 130819 (2021).

[4] X. Zhang, E. R. Mugisha, Y. Mi, M. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Gao, K. Gao, L. Shi, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Photovoltaic Cycling to-and-fro Actuation of a Water-Microdroplet for Automatic Repeatable Solute Acquisition on Oil-Infused Hydrophobic LN:Fe Surface”, ACS Photonics 8(2), 639-647 (2021).

[5] L. Shi*, B. Fan. F. Li, K. Gao, and W. Yan*, “Distinct temporal evolution of PILS distribution in congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Fe crystals detected by in-situ dynamic angular spectra”, Journal of Materials Science, 56(16), 9824-9835 (2021).

[6] L. Shi*, X. Wang, K. Gao, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Growth of homogeneous-phase YIG grains on Si substrates and their optical properties on a micron scale”, Ceramics International, 47, 14067–14074 (2021).

[7] E. M. Rwagasore, X. Zhang, K. Gao, Z. Gao, Z. Zan, X. Lui, M. Wang, Y. Mi, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Convolutional neural network for sapphire ingots defect detection and classification”, Optical Materials 119, 111292 (2021).

[8] Z. Gao, Y. Mi, M. Wang, X. Liu, X. Zhang, K. Gao, L. Shi, E. R. Mugisha, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Hydrophobic-substrate based water-microdroplet manipulation through the long-range photovoltaic interaction from a distant LiNbO3:Fe crystal”, Opt. Express 29(3), 3808-3824 (2021).

[9] X. Zhang, K. Gao, Z. Gao, Z. Zan, L. Shi, X. Liu, M. Wang, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Photovoltaic splitting of water microdroplets on a y-cut LiNbO3:Fe crystal coated with oil-infused hydrophobic insulating layers”, Opt. Lett. 45(5), 1180-1183 (2020).

[10] Z. Zan, D. Wang, F. Li, L. Shi and W. Yan*, “Impact of the crystal orientation of LiNbO3 Fe on the dynamic behaviors of the particles trapped through the photovoltaic tweezer”, Opt. Commun. 457, 124727 (2020).

[11] K. Gao, X. Zhang, Z. Zan, Z. Gao, L. Shi, X. Liu, M. Wang, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Visible-light-assisted condensation of ultrasonically atomized water vapor on LiNbO3:Fe crystals”, Opt. Express 27(26), 37680-37694 (2019).

[12] F. Li, X. Zhang, K. Gao, L. Shi, Z. Zan, Z. Gao, C. Liang, E. R. Mugisha, H. Chen, W. Yan*, “All-optical splitting of dielectric microdroplets by using a y-cut-LN-based anti-symmetrical sandwich structure”, Opt. Express 27(18), 25767-25776 (2019).

[13] Sh. Li, C. Liang, F. Li, L. Shi, C. Du, B. Fan, X. Wang, Z. Zan, H. Chen, and W. Yan*, “Direct laser writing combined with a phase-delay probe,” Opt. Lett. 43(2), 322-325 (2018).

[14] S. Li, G. Liang, Z. Zan, L. Shi, W. Yan*, C. Liang, F. Li, L. Chen, B. Fan, X. Wang, X. Jiang, and H. Chen, “Impact of the crystal orientation of Fe-doped lithium niobate on photoassisted proton exchange and chemical etching,” Scientific Reports 7, 16818 (2017).

[15] B. Fan, F. Li, L. Chen, L. Shi, W. Yan*, Y. Zhang, S. Li, X. Wang, X. Wang, and H. Chen, “Photovoltaic Manipulation of Water Microdroplets on a Hydrophobic LiNbO3,” Phys. Rev. Applied 7(6), 064010 (2017).

[16] X. Wang, W. Yan*, Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Shi*, Y. Huang, M. Wu, X. Wang, and H. Chen, “Threshold Effect in the Mg-Doping Dependence of the Photocatalytic Ability of LiNbO3 Nanoparticles,” J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100(2), 739-745 (2017).

[17] L. Chen, S. Li, B. Fan, W. Yan*, D. Wang, L. Shi, H. Chen, D. Ban, and S. Sun, “Dielectrophoretic behaviours of microdroplet sandwiched between LN substrates,” Scientific Reports 6, 29166 (2016).

[18] L. Chen, B. Fan, W. Yan*, S. Li, L. Shi, and H. Chen, “Photo-assisted splitting of dielectric microdroplets in a LN-based sandwich structure,” Opt. Lett. 41(19), 4558 (2016).

[19] M. Wu, W. Yan*, J. Jing, D. Wang, L. Shi, L. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Li, and H. Chen, “Patterned LiNbO3 thin film fabrication basing aqueous precursor and the study on pattern quality and film morphology,” J. Alloy. Compd. 670, 144-149 (2016).

[20] G. Liang, W. Yan*, D. Wang, L. Shi, X. Jiang, Z. Shang, F. Zhang, F. Jia, S. Li, M. Li, L. Zhang, J. Jing, M. Wu, Y. Zhang, G. Chen, and H. Chen “Photo-assisted proton exchange and chemical etching on Fe-doped lithium niobate crystals,” Opt. Express 23(1), 19-25 (2015).

[21] J. Jing, B. Fan, M. Wu, W. Yan*, L. Shi, D. Wang, S. Li, X. Wang, and H. Chen, “Study on the partial self-recovery process in Fe-doped Lithium Niobate crystals,” Opt. Mater. Express 6(5), 1545-1551 (2016).

[22] X. Wang, W. Yan*, L. Zhang, L. Shi, H. Chen, Y. Zhang, M. Wu, and P. Zhang, “Tunable photocatalytic activity of photochromic Fe-Mn-codoped LiNbO3 nanocrystals,” Opt. Mater. Express 5(10), 2240-2245 (2015).

[23] F. Jia, W. Yan*, D. Wang, L. Zhang, L. Shi, A. Lin, G. Liang, M. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Zhang, H. Dong, G. Chen and H. Chen “Photoinduced Ag-nanoparticle deposition on Fedoped lithium niobate crystals,” Opt. Mater. Express 4(2), 359-365 (2014).

[24] X. Shen, W. Yan*, J. Jing, L. Shi, F. Jia, G. Liang, Y. Huang, M. Wu, Y. Zhang, H. Dong, J. Zhang, G. Chen and H. Chen “Study on the temperature dependence of the OH-absorption band in Hf-doped LiNbO3 crystals,” J. Mater. Sci. 49(10), 3775-3779 (2014).

[25] X. Shen, W. Yan*, L. Shi, Y. Wang, F. Jia, H. Qiao, G. Chen, H. Chen, and A. Lin, “Photorefractive properties varied with Li composition in LiNbO3:Fe crystals,” IEEE Photonics J. 4(5), 1892-1899 (2012).

[26] W. Yan*, X. Shen, L. Shi, F. Jia, H. Qiao, H. Chen, G. Chen, Y. Lu, S. Zhang, and A. Lin, “Suppression of the photoinduced light scattering in LiNbO3:Fe by redox treatment and incoherent homogeneous illumination,” App. Phys. A 108(3), 615–620 (2012).

[27] W. Yan*, P. Minzioni, G. Nava, P. Galinetto, Lihong Shi and V. Degiorgio, Critical composition of reduced pure-LiNbO3 crystals: A sudden change in optical properties, App. Phys. Lett. 98(15), 151112 (2011).

[28] W. Yan*, L. Shi, H. Chen, X. Shen, and Y. Kong, Investigations of the OH absorption bands in congruent and near-stoichiometric LiNbO3:Hf crystals, Europhysics Lett. 91(3), 36002 (2010).

[29] W. Yan*, L. Shi, H. Chen, X. Shen, and Y. Kong, Light scattering induced by opposite microdomains in LiNbO3:Fe:Hf crystals, Opt. Express, 18(11), 11949-11954 (2010).

[30] L. Shi, and W. Yan*, "Study on infrared absorption spectra of congruent lithium niobate crystals at low temperature" Acta Physica Sinica 58, 619 (2009)

[31] H. Chen, L. Shi, and W. Yan*, Guifeng Chen, Jun Shen, and Yangxian Li, "OH- absorption band in LiNbO3 with varied composition", Chinese Physics B 18, 2372 (2009)

[32] H. Chen, L. Shi, and W. Yan*, Guifeng Chen, Jun Shen, Xunan Shen, and Yangxian Li, "Study on UV-light-induced absorption in LiNbO3: Fe, Co crystal", Chinese Physics B 19, 084203 (2010)

[33] W. Yan*, L. Shi, H. Chen, Y. Li, and Y. Kong, “The UV light induced absorption in pure LiNbO3 investigated by varying composition”, Journal of Physics D: Applied physics, 41, art. no. 085410 (2008).

[34] W. Yan*, Y. Li, L. Shi, H. Chen, Sh. Liu, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, Sh. Chen, and Y. Kong, “Photochromic effect in LiNbO3: Fe: Co”, Optics Express, 15, 17010~17018 (2007).

[35] W. Yan*, H. Chen, L. Shi, Sh. Liu, and Y. Kong, “Investigations of the light-induced scattering varied with HfO2 codoping in LiNbO3:Fe crystals”, Applied Physics Letters, 90, art. no. 211108 (2007).

[36] L. Shi, W. Yan*, and Y. Kong, “OH- absorption band in LiTaO3 with varied composition”, The European Physical Journal AP, 40, 77~81 (2007).

[37] W. Yan, L. Shi, Y. Kong*, Y. Wang, H. Liu, J. Xu, Sh. Chen, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, Sh. Liu, and G. Zhang, “The electrostatic depinning mechanism of surface domain wall for near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals”, Journal of Physics D: Applied physics, 39, 4245~4249 (2006)

[38] W. Yan, Y. Kong*, L. Shi, H. Liu, X. Li, J. Xu, S. Chen, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, Sh. Liu, and G. Zhang, “Investigations of centers formed in UV light induced absorption for LiNbO3 highly doped with Mg and Hf”, Optics Express, 14, 10898~10906 (2006)

[39] W. Yan, Y. Kong*, L. Shi, L. Sun, H. Liu, X. Li, D. Zhao, J. Xu, Sh. Chen, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, Sh. Liu, and G. Zhang, “The relationship between the switching field and the intrinsic defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals”, Journal of Physics D: Applied physics, 39, 21~24 (2006)

[40] W. Yan, Y. Kong*, L. Shi, H. Liu, X. Li, L. Sun , D. Zhao, J. Xu, Sh. Chen, L. Zhang, Z. Huang, Sh. Liu, and G. Zhang, “The influence of composition on the photorefractive centers in pure LiNbO3 at low light intensity”, Applied Optics, 45, 2453~2458 (2006)

[41] W. Yan, Y. Kong*, L. Shi, X. Xie, X. Li, J. Xu,C. Lou, H. Liu, W. Zhang, and G. Zhang, “The H+ related defects in near-stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals investigated by domain reversal”, Physica Status Solidi (A), 201, 2013~2020 (2004)

[1] 阎文博,陈立品,樊博麟,李少北,陈洪建 “一种基于y切铌酸锂晶片的微液滴输运方法”,2018年授权发明专利,ZL201511021872.7

[2] 阎文博,陈立品,李少北,樊博麟,王冬辉,陈洪建 “一种基于铌酸锂晶片夹层结构的微液滴实时可控分离装置及方法”,2018年授权发明专利,ZL201510799910.5

[3] 阎文博,樊博麟,陈立品,陈洪建,李少北,王旭亮,张雨晴,李菲菲“一种基于铌酸锂晶体实时可控的微液滴喷射装置及方法”,2019年授权发明专利,ZL201610361560.9

[4] 阎文博,樊博麟,陈立品,陈洪建,李少北,王旭亮,李菲菲,张雨晴“一种基于C切铌酸锂芯片实时可控的微液滴输运方法”,2019年授权发明专利,ZL201610382929.4

[5] 阎文博,李少北,陈洪建,陈立品,孙时豪,杜城威,“一种光学材料微观应力空间分布的精确测量装置”,2019年授权发明专利,ZL201610058860.X

[6] 阎文博,李少北,陈洪建,李菲菲,樊博麟,王旭亮,“一种光折变材料微区折射率的实时调控装置及方法”,2019年授权发明专利,ZL201710298853.1

[7] 阎文博,李少北,陈洪建,陈立品,王旭亮,樊博麟,李菲菲,杜城威,王晓敏,“一种基于单晶体双电光调制实时测量光学材料微观应力的装置”,2019年授权发明专利,ZL201610805081.1

[8] 阎文博,樊博麟,李菲菲,陈洪建,昝知涛,李少北,王旭亮,“一种光诱导微液滴持续生成转移方法”, 2020年授权发明专利,ZL201711315421.3

[9] 阎文博,樊博麟,昝知涛,陈洪建,李菲菲,王旭亮,李少北,“一种基于Y切铌酸锂芯片的光触发微液滴定向输运方法”,2020年授权发明专利,ZL201711315422.8

[10] 阎文博,李菲菲,樊博麟,李少北,王旭亮,梁超,任满意,陈洪建,“一种基于铌酸锂夹层结构芯片的实时可控微液滴阵列化装置及方法”,2020年授权发明专利,ZL201710298852.7

[11] 阎文博,梁超,任满意,李菲菲,昝知韬,“一种基于铌酸锂晶片的激光辅助氧化锌生长的装置及方法”,2021年授权发明专利,ZL201811049556.4

[12] 阎文博,高开放,张雄,梁超,昝知韬,任满意,李菲菲,高作轩,陈洪建,“一种利用激光直写晶化二氧化钛溶胶薄膜制备铌酸锂光波导的方法”,2021年授权发明专利,ZL201910220568.7

[13] 阎文博,李菲菲,樊博麟,王旭亮,李少北,昝知韬,梁超,陈洪建,“一种微液滴往复输运方法”,2021年授权发明专利,ZL201810071195.7

[14] 阎文博,高开放,高作轩,张雄,昝知韬,刘晓虎,王梦彤,米宇航,“一种用于超声雾化气流实时液化的方法及装置”,2021年授权发明专利,ZL201911002957.9

[15] 阎文博,高作轩,张雄,陈洪建,高开放,昝知韬,“一种制作变焦液体微透镜的装置及方法”,2021年授权发明专利,ZL201910427612.1

[16] 阎文博,高开放,张雄,吴巧添,昝知韬,高作轩,“一种用于微流控芯片中微液滴切割的方法”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201910503848.9

[17] 阎文博,李菲菲,昝知韬,王旭亮,樊博麟,李少北,陈洪建,“一种基于非对称铌酸锂夹层结构的全光微液滴分离方法”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201810396476.X

[18] 阎文博,任满意,梁超,李菲菲,昝知韬,“一种控制细菌集群的方法及装置”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201811047969.9

[19] 阎文博,昝知韬,高作轩,“一种用于微气泡分离的微流控芯片”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201910220567.2

[20] 阎文博,张雄,高开放,刘晓虎,王梦彤,米宇航,“一种基于y切铌酸锂芯片的水合液滴分离方法及装置”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201911002908.5

[21] 阎文博,张雄,高作轩,高开放,陈洪建,昝知韬,“一种基于y切铌酸锂夹层结构芯片的运动微液滴连续分离方法”,2022年授权发明专利,ZL201910427611.7

[22] 阎文博,陈洪建,王运满,程鹏,“一种蓝宝石晶棒或片光学均匀性检测装置”,2016年授权发明专利,ZL 201410097103.4

[23] 阎文博,李养贤,师丽红,孔勇发,“一种双掺铌酸锂晶体及其制备方法”,2007年授权发明专利,ZL200710057399.7

